Highly pathogenic avian influenza

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 was confirmed in other captive birds on 22 November 2022 at premises near Napton on Hill Warwickshire. A 3km captive bird (monitoring) controlled zone is in place around the premises. All birds on the premises will be humanely culled.

Find out if you are in the 3km zone by visiting the Bird Flu Disease Control Map: https://defra.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8cb1883eda5547c6b91b5d5e6aeba90d

Rules for bird keepers 

In all disease zones, you must:

  • not release game birds

In addition, if you are in a captive bird (monitoring) controlled zone (as is the case near Napton on The Hill), you must:

  • keep poultry and other captive birds housed
  • keep a record of all poultry or poultry eggs that enter or leave your premises, except eggs that are being moved direct to wholesale or retail premises to be sold

Register your birds 

If you have not already registered your birds, you are encouraged to do so, even if you only have a few ducks/chickens etc. kept as pets. Visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/poultry-including-game-birds-registration-rules-and-forms

You can also contact Warwickshire County Council Trading Standards Animal Health Team on 01926 414040 to arrange for your birds to be registered. We especially wish to hear from anyone keeping unregistered birds in the 3km captive bird (monitoring) controlled zone.

For latest updates visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bird-flu-avian-influenza-latest-situation-in-england#full-publication-update-history



Simon Cripwell

Senior Trading Standards Officer

Warwickshire County Council

Shire Hall (Post Room)

Northgate Street


CV34 4RL


01926 738987

07771 975570

