Dear all,
We have now completed our campaign to provide nearly 200 local parish / town councils with bespoke content to publish via their websites and / or newsletters with regards to fibre upgrades that the CSW Broadband Project has already completed in their areas.
Each parish / town council area
where we have completed work has now been provided with information on:
The name of the upgraded cabinet / structure and the communities (road names and / or postcodes) benefiting from that upgrade
Details of how residents can find out if their specific property has benefited from one of these upgrades
Details of how residents can find / order a fibre broadband package to suit their individual needs
If you have received one of these emails can we please ask you to publish the content in its entirety for the benefit of all local residents who live in your parish / town council area and who may not be aware that they might have been upgraded.
Many thanks for your assistance with this. It really is appreciated.
Kind regards,
Gavin Tristram
CSW Stakeholder Engagement & Communications Manager
CSW Broadband
Warwickshire County Council
Tel: 01926 737703
CSW Broadband project – bringing faster broadband to your area
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