The Clerk has received a number of calls from residents concerned about the seasonal problem of straw and hay deposits being scattered along the High Street, blown off agricultural vehicles passing through.
This brash accumulates around drains and if unattended, may lead to serious restriction in the clearing of water from heavy downpours we now tend to experience more and more each summer.
The Clerk contacted several agencies including WCC, SDC and Severn Water, three days ago, and he is pleased to report the following response:
Good Afternoon Clerk
Thank you for your email received on the 26th July, I’m sorry for the delay in contacting you
I have arranged for the relevant team to investigate this issue under reference number 2005309537 and the team will check for any blockages on our main sewer network and clear if needed. This will be within 48 hours.
If you need any more help you can “chat now” on our website using the Whatsapp messaging service or by using our web chat service – drop us a tweet @stwater or call us on 0800 783 4444.
Here’s the link to our website:
Kind regards – Customer Care Severn Trent Water
Please look out for these actions on the High Street and let the Clerk know when it occurs.
The JPC are meeting with residents to discuss the wider implications of flooding in town in a bid to avoid the regrettable results of the 2007 major flooding incident.
Ray Evans – 29.07.2021