The JPC and our residents grow more impatient and very concerned that the parking on Station Road, will lead to a serious collision.

After many representations following the introduction of parking fees at the station, at last, it would appear that there is now a real chance that action will take place.

Cllr John Horner in response to a resident, wrote-

While I was on leave there was a very lively Joint Parish Council at Henley in Arden concerning the road safety issues caused by the parking of railway commuters around the bend on Station Road, Henley in Arden.

I have also been informed by the Chair of the JPC that he was nearly involved in a head on collision with a dumper truck running up station road past the cars.  It was only avoided by the dumper truck mounting the pavement and running along the pavement until the next dropped curve.  

I have been formally asked by the JPC to request that the County treat the dangerous parking on the bend on Station Road as an emergency and immediately issue a notice and add double yellow lines along the danger area.  As my budget does not cover this activity I am sure the JPC would be prepared to fund the marginal cost of issuing a notice.

In the meantime the JPC has asked if we could erect temporary signs saying that double yellow lines are being considered in the hope commuters will find somewhere else to park.

Cllr. John Horner

County Councillor – Arden Division, 

Warwickshire County Council

The JPC will continue to lobby members of the WCC until we have a satisfactory resolution to this very serious issue.

Ray Evans Acting Clerk