Thursday January 25th 2024
Doors, & Well Stocked Chilled Bar by Zena, open from 7:00PM
Film Starts at 7:30PM
Henley Memorial Hall, Station Rd. Henley-In-Arden, B95 5JP
The Great Escaper
Michael Caine and the late Glenda Jackson bring their A games to this true-life heartwarmer about 89 year old Second World War Royal Navy veteran Bernard Jackson who in 2014 jauntily sneaked out of his seaside care home (where he lived with his wife Irene) on a secret mission to get aboard a cross-channel ferry and attend the 70th anniversary celebrations of the D-day landings in Normandy — having failed to
get included on an official group excursion. He was dubbed “the great escaper” in the press although then, as now, the care home insisted that there was no question of forbidding Bernard from going, so there was no escape as such.
Facetiously representing them as busybody elf ’n’ safety camp commandants –
tempting though this might have been – could have landed the film in legal hot water.