The matter of flooding in Henley featured on the agenda last night at the monthly Ordinary Meeting. The Chair, Cllr Wendy Andrews, advised all that a new initative is now in hand to bring together the WCC Flooding Prevention Team, the Environmental Agency, the JPC and residents, to investigate the core reasons for this event, which appears to be visiting Henley more frequently in recent years.
A full report was commissioned by the JPC administration following the 2007 flood which included contributions from residents as well as an expert in flooding behaviour and it was agreed that this now needs to be re-commissioned.
The JPC, making use of the listed stakeholders, will commission an updated report which it is hoped, will contain remedial actions to eleviate the suffering created in the community during such episodes. The Chair, also stressed that it was ultimately the housholders’ responsibility to ensure that they invest in flood defences to safeguard their property. The issue of flooding will be included on all agendas for updating by the team on regular basis, the initiative will be headed up by Cllr. Bryn Turner.
The JPC wishes to apologise for the technical problems experienced at the meeting.
Further information will be included in the formal minutes due to be published in the next few days.