Hi Ray

This is the message I’ve received from County. Having gone to Mappleborough Green earlier I can safely say, don’t drive until the the rains have staopped and the water elevsl have gone down. On the A4189 run off from farmland has created lakes across the road, one or two very deep.



Just wanted to give you the heads up that County Highways are dealing with a high volume of calls around road flooding in the south of the county.  We have experienced what appears to be a localised high rainfall event from Warwick south which as particularly affect areas around Stratford district this morning.  Highway gangs are responding with road closures and flood warning boards as quickly as possible and their efforts are being coordinated with Fire and Police.  This morning we initialised our flood response teams with CSW Resilience to coordinate work between Fire, Police and County Highways which will help us understand the emerging picture from around the County.

In particular the A3400 Birmingham Road was affected with vehicles having difficulty negotiating the flooded road at Longcompton.   This is made worse by the fact that most of the minor side roads in the area between Alcester, Great Alne, Henley, Norton Lindsay, Langley and routes into Warwick are near impassable in places due to volumes of water overwhelming drainage systems and local brooks overflowing.  The key message for the public in the area is to not make unnecessary journeys and to not drive into flood waters.  Even large 4×4’s were having difficulty in some locations.

The rainfall has reduced and the forecast is improving.  Once drainage systems are not overwhelmed they should begin to clear water off the roads, so the anticipation is that the situation should quickly improve. 

Kind Regards


Ian Shenton FCCA

Email to SDC and WCC:

Hi all, can you advise if any extraordinary action is to be mounted in Henley to cover this emergency? Ray