Based on a request for an updated Housing Needs Survey to be carried out in Henley & Beaudesert, the JPC have taken steps to advance the NDP and ratify their Terms of Reference, see following
To note progress of the NDP and for the JPC to extend an invitation to the current members of the NDP Steering Group to continue to advance the NDP and to ratify their Terms of Reference
The Clerk reported that she had attended a meeting with a representative from SDC and WRCC, together with the Chair and member of the NDP Steering Group and they had suggested that a Housing Needs Survey should be carried out, which had been approved previously. Following a discussion, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk ask the current members of the NDP Steering Group whether would like to remain and continue to advance the NDP and that he Terms of Reference that the Clerk had produced by adopted.
Cllr Evans also agreed to become a member of the NDP Steering Group alongside Cllr Broadbent. These motions were proposed by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Cornford and carried unanimously.
More on this matter will follow in due course.
1 Comment
I wish to make a formal representation as a Henley resident to the latest pre-draft of the NDP, whereby the wording to Policy C3, Sports and Leisure Facilities (p.22), has been amended in such a way as to mis-represent the wishes of a significant number of the community. Prior to this latest amendment, the JPC indicated its intention to negotiate with Warwickshire College Group for the retention of the sports facilities on the existing site. This is in accordance with Stratford District Council Core strategy that looks to maintain and develop existing health and well-being facilities unless equivalent or better alternatives are made readily available in a similar location. The revised wording implies that the sports facilities are already ‘lost’ to the local community, thereby indicating predetermination to the Planning application currently under review by SDC Planning Department. This is not a true reflection of the current status and is therefore an inaccurate statement.
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