I am pleased to let you know about this significant improvement to our HWRC customer experience, meaning that visitors will be able to book the evening before or early on the morning for the first time.
Thanks to a concerted effort from the operation and project teams, we have began today to keep the appointment system open to booking until just after 7:30am on the day.
Please see below a link to the press release:
Our neighbours in Birmingham, Coventry, Solihull and Gloucestershire are also retaining their booking systems. We will continue to review booking numbers and other policies so that we can keep queueing low whilst maximising availability. Booking allows space on site to maintain visitor safety and keep our staff at work and the sites open.
We will keep arrangements under review and if we make further changes I will let you know. Until then, do let me know if you have any questions.
Ruth Dixon
Waste Strategy and Commissioning Manager
Waste Management
Warwickshire County Council
Tel: 01926 418064
Mobile: 07771 552309
Minicom: 01926 476817
Email: ruthdixon@warwickshire.gov.uk