Join us in Preparing a Neighbourhood Plan
The JPC truly believe that there is now a need for residents to join with them to address the FIVE major aspects of the plan, the building blocks that are essential if the Town is to construct the final legal instrument to protect our community against errant or unwanted development.
The JPC therefore invite you to join with five members of the Council as a volunteer in forming an Advisory Committee, who together will drive the process forward.
We are not looking for any specialist knowledge, just an interest in your community and a desire to make things better for the future. Further down the line however, there is scope for inviting others to form focus groups on the major aspects that give rise to concern, listed in the current NDP.
The Parish Council has extended its engagement with specialists YourLocale to guide us through the process and to undertake the technical aspects of the work. They will help us to translate our vision and aspirations into meaningful planning policies that will give us a real say over the future of our Joint Parishes.
Meetings will take place for up to a couple of hours every 4-6 weeks for the next 9 months or so. There may be occasional activities outside of these more formal meetings but people who have taken part in other Neighbourhood Plans find the work can be enjoyable and very rewarding.
Please join us in shaping the future of Beaudesert & Henley in Arden Joint Parish Council in making a real difference to your community.
If you feel you can contribute, please let me know, either by phone 07990 515 305 or email
Ray Evans – Parish Clerk
Beaudesert & Henley in Arden Joint Parish Council