The Clerk and two members of the JPC, met on site at Brook End Drive/Station Road, with Mr. Graham Stanley, Team Leader, Minor Works, WCC. The discussion centred around the outcome of the informal public consultation conducted by WCC in the summer of 2021.
Based on the response to that survey, plans have now been drawn up, see below, and these will form the basis of a statutory consultation due to be delivered to all households shortly, with a request for a response by the end of April 2022.
If there are no objections, works will commence by Balfour Beatty, their contractors, and the best estimate is that all works will be completed in 6 to 8 weeks.
Though this is encouraging, Mr. Stanley warned that this information, although current, may be subject to planning changes and delays in the administration process governing this formal and second consultation.
Whilst the party were meeting to discuss the yellow lining, it was noted by all, that the station car park was devoid of any vehicles and that security/surveillance camera equipment had been removed from the masts overlooking the parking areas.
Warning notices remain however, and it may be that the site is now subject to enforcement by other means, so please adhere to the parking regulations if using the plot until any further instructions for parking are issued by these authorities.
The Clerk was asked by JPC to investigate this development with Network Rail and their parking management company and report back at the next meeting of the JPC, possibly on the 11th of April, when the Croft car park is under discussion.