Minutes taken for both the Planniing Committee and the full JPC Ordinary Meeting are shown on the Meetings Pages, here is an extract from the minutes showing matters of expenditure and income enabling residents easy access to fiscal decisions reached at the meetings.
Cllr Okey will present the background and the need to update the Town Website to members. She will propose that the JPC adopt a new design company to produce the new format and be responsible for updating data provided for local people and visitors alike.
Following a brief presentation by Cllr Okey who clarified the matter that all three offers were based on an identical brief provided by the Clerk. It was RESOLVED that her proposal to engage with Creative Touch Design at the cost indicated in their tender [£2,500.00 design & build, £240.00 pa for hosting and support and £180.00 pa for event adding – ALL PLUS VAT] .
RESOLVED: The motion was carried unanimously by a show of hands by all members present.
Following the resolution by the JPC at the meeting held on February 6th, 2023, minute number 11.1, Cllr Okey will update all on the offer made by RoSPA, [SD] and propose that the JPC go forward with this organisation and task Colin Harrison with inspecting the play equipment as part of his rounds of maintenance in these areas.
A saving of £900.00 per annum was quoted at the meeting but based on the latest offer made by RoSPA, the saving will be £328.00 pa.
Following a brief presentation by Cllr Okey who supported the changeover from Kompan to RoSPA and engaging Colin Harrison to regularly inspect all of the play equipment supported by the services offered by RoSPA at a revised annual cost of £472.00 + VAT pa, the service to include photographic and written reports indicating any repairs required. It was RESOLVED that her proposal to end the agreement with Kompan and engage with RoSPA was carried unanimously by a show of hands by all members present.
[Saving to the JPC £328.00 pa]
Cllr Okey will propose that a further FIVE to TEN parking permits be offered to residents who were unsuccessful in the last round, terms and conditions as previously agreed.
Cllr Okey advised the assembled that continuing interest was being shown by residents who had great difficulty in High Street parking and had asked if further provision for permits might be considered by the JPC. The Clerk advised all that Napier Parking were agreeable to up to TEN new permits, but the discussion concluded with a decision to provide a further FIVE permits as a trial and on a first come first serve basis. The Clerk was asked to publicise this event and alert shopkeepers and their staff to the opportunity. Cllr Okey further suggested that permit holders be requested to use the south car park, leaving the co-op car park clear for shoppers.
M7.7, 7.8 & 7.9
Cllr Clark briefly summarised the current position with the NDP and its submission to SDC under Regulation 15.
Cllr Clark then raised the matter of retaining Mr. Gary Kirk the NDP Consultant for a further 2 months, thus leading to the finalisation of the plan. His fees would amount to £750.00 per month plus VAT and he felt sure that the JPC would support this action based on the exemplary service already given by Mr. Kirk to date.
RESOLVED: The motion to engage Mr. Kirk until the end of September was carried unanimously by a show of hands and the Clerk will advise Mr. Kirk of the decision reached. Cllr Clark stressed the importance attached to the JPC continuing to investigate funding that may be available for such undertakings.