A week ago, the JPC posted the news of this acquisition on our website. At that time, and on face value, it promised the prospect of finance by a large organisation into the facilities, which would ultimately be of benefit to the community. The JPC have, on several occasions, requested a definitive statement, which we would publish, followed by a public meeting in Henley, to include both the WCG and WASPS. The JPC understand the concern of residents, those in particular, who use the facilities, but as the following social media release states, the JPC have no influence whatsoever on the agreements struck by these two private parties.
However, we did say in our original statement, that the whole procedure was subject to planning permission and, it is in that area, that both the SDC and the JPC will have an opportunity to voice potential objections to such plans.
You have our firm promise that the JPC will do all in their power to protect the interests of the community
A statement from WCG has finally been received by the Chair of the JPC. This will be published on the JPC website tomorrow evening. [05.11.2019]