Since publishing this notice a month ago, our residents have posted over thirty comments which clearly show the anxiety caused by the revised wording in the NDP which updated on the status of the WCG sports ground at the request of SDC.  The JPC and the authors of the NDP came together in the public session of the JPC Ordinary Meeting, held on Zoom last Monday the 17th, and these concerns were aired by all. Please see the AGENDAS and MINUTES section on this site listing the minutes of this meeting of the 17th and the letter of clarification forwarded to SDC yesterday. The NDP is still in draft form and has no legal standing, it will be the subject of a full PUBLIC CONSULTATION following SDC’s deliberations, and everyone in Henley and the surrounds will be invited to voice their opinions.

Please visit this site for ongoing updates, including the public meeting at the SDC offices in Stratford where the JPC and other representatives from Henley will debate the Planning Application Reference 20/00066/FUL, which is the focus of the comments on this page.


Ray Evans Clerk & Proper Officer



1 Comment

  • Posted 23rd August 2020 Peter Glaze 9:00 am

    Thank you for listening to the concerns of residents as expressed by individuals and the Henley Sports Centre Alliance

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