Te following notice of consultation has been received at JPC for posting on public notice boards. If you need more information, please use the links indicated in the body of this communication.
Dear Stakeholder
Warwickshire County Council is consulting on its revised draft Passenger Rail Strategy 2019-2034. The consultation opened on 27thJuly and will run until 20thSeptember 2019.
Why has the Rail Strategy been reviewed?
The previous Rail Strategy, as contained within Warwickshire’s Third Local Transport Plan, is out of date. The County Council has taken the decision to produce a new Rail Strategy to maximise opportunities to enhance rail provision in Warwickshire. This is a non-statutory policy document supporting the existing Local Transport Plan; it is intended it will form part of the Fourth Local Transport Plan in due course when that is prepared.
Who is being consulted?
Anyone who is interested in local transport and the local rail offer can comment on the draft strategy. Responses are invited from a range of partners, stakeholders and people who live or work in Warwickshire.
How to respond?
The draft strategy and online questionnaire can be accessed by visiting https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/communities/draft-warwickshire-rail-strategy-2019-2034/
The main way to respond to the consultation is via the online questionnaire. However, if you would like to respond to this consultation in writing you can do this by emailing tpu@warwickshire.gov.uk or sending your written response to Transport Planning, Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire CV34 4SX.
Alternatively, if you would like to discuss any aspect of the strategy please email tpu@warwickshire.gov.uk with your query and contact details and we will get in touch.
What happens next?
Following the consultation period responses received will be reviewed and, where feasible, the draft strategy will be amended to reflect the responses received. It is anticipated that the County Council will formally endorse the strategy in late 2019 / early 2020.
If you would like to be kept up to date with progress with the Rail Strategy review please reply to this email to confirm that your email details can be stored for the duration of the Rail Strategy review process and used for communicating updates.
Kind Regards
Transport Planning Team
Warwickshire County Council