Cllr Tina Woods, Chair, JPC Communications, and her sub-committee are to put forward proposals for urgent updates in the design and management regime for the JPC website which was adopted by the previous Council. These issues will be on the agenda for the ORDINARY MEETING, planned on Zoom, 21st September next.
The JPC has listened to many comments from the community in regard to access and navigational issues existing on the present platform and has invited tenders from a number of local designers with a brief to meet these issues.
The aim of the JPC is to provide day to day updates of their activities, particularly where the investment of public money plays a part in a project. Therefore, one option is that the JPC will manage two sites, the first devoted to governmental data reporting, the second to encourage more tourism to our town.
Some items on the present site may fall into arrears and not be updated as quickly as we would wish, please bear with us during this interim period.
An announcement will be made on this subject after the next JPC meeting.
Ray Evans – Clerk JPC