Alcester Police North SNT. Latest Weekly Report. Sunday 4th April 2021

Hello all.

This is our latest weekly report and prompt to see if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns for the Alcester Police North SNT. Thank you to those that have contacted the Team this week. If you would like to be removed from this local email circulation list, please let me know asap.

For operational and privacy reasons not all the incidents that occur on the Alcester area are listed in this report. Please remember to report any anti-social behaviour, suspicious activity or crimes to us as soon as possible – this can be done via the 101 and 999 telephone numbers or if not an emergency via our online reporting forms that can be found on our website.

Incidents of a public interest from the last week:-


  • *Suspicious Circumstances. Pool Road, Studley. People seen on the roof of the new buildings under construction. Caller concerned that damage may be done. Area searched made by police – no trace. 5.10pm Sunday 28th March. 0246 28/03/2021


  • *Suspicious Circumstances. Meadow Road, Henley. Two vehicles and occupants seen acting suspiciously in the area. Caller concerned regards their intentions. Dark Blue Range Rover Sport and Kia or Seat seen. 9.30pm Saturday 3rd April. 0406 03/04/2021


  • *Ongoing situation around The Lakes and Malthouse Lane area of Earlswood. Calls received this week include – car horns being sounded, shouting from the causeway area, vehicles and people gathering, smell of cannabis from cars, noise from groups gathering, cars on yellow lines, and vehicles racing. The SNT and Patrol colleagues continue to pay attention to the area when possible. Two vehicles have been seized and a person dealt with for possession of cannabis this week.
  • *Damage. Juggins Lane, Earlswood. Lock forced off gate into secure compound containing caravans. It was unknown at the time if any of the caravans had been entered and if anything had been stolen. Awaiting further reports. Overnight 1st & 2nd April. 0059 02/04/2021


  • *Theft. Penn Lane, Tanworth. Large heavy metal gates stolen from cul de sac. Between 9pm 2nd and 10.30pm and 3rd April. 0314 03/04/2021
  • *Suspicious Circumstances. Tanworth Lane, Tanworth. Five youngsters on pedal cycles (no lights) seen acting suspiciously in the area. They were seen to be looking at the properties and gardens along the Lane. 8.15pm Friday 2nd April. 0383 02/04/2021
  • *Vehicle Crime. Danzey Green, Tanworth. Vehicle entered and wallet taken. Between 2.55pm and 3.10pm Thursday 1st April. 0210 02/04/2021


  • *Suspicious Circumstances. Mount Pleasant Lane, Ullenhall. Black old style Skoda Octavia seen acting suspiciously in the area. Four young males on board. Registration number ended in ‘NTC’. Vehicle seen to drive off towards the Stratford direction. 7.15pm Thursday 1st April. 0402 01/04/2021



 Team email –                                        

Sgt 1685 David Ebbs                        

PCSO 6273 Aadila Hussain –          

PCSO 6330 Sanjay Singh –             

PCSO 6350 Brooke Taylor               

Alcester Police Office Phone Number – 01789 444816    (not to be used for emergencies or priority calls. Always report incidents on 101). Online reporting services are also available on our website –

Twitter –                                              @AlcesterCops

Facebook –                                        Alcester Police

Instagram –                                       southwarwickshiresnts

Website –                                 

We do not monitor our social media pages, so please do not use them to report incidents or to pass on important information. Please call us on 101, 999 or use the online reporting forms as required.