Alcester Police SNTs. Latest Weekly Report. Sunday 10th April 2022
Hello all.
This is our latest combined weekly report and prompt to see if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns for the Alcester Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams. Thank you to those that have contacted the Teams this week. If you would like to be removed from this local email circulation list, please let me know asap. This report will also be sent out on the Warwickshire Connected alert system.
For operational and privacy reasons not all the incidents that occur on the Alcester area are listed in this report, although they are recorded on police systems. Please remember to report any anti-social behaviour, suspicious activity or crimes to us as soon as possible – this can be done via the 101 and 999 telephone numbers or if not an emergency via our online reporting forms that can be found on our website. If you have any information or cctv footage that may relate to the incidents listed, please contact us.
Incidents of a public interest from the last week:-
- *Suspicious Circumstances. Alauna Avenue, Alcester. Two males seen on building site. Area searched by police. No offences disclosed at the time. 10.20pm Saturday 9th April. 0390 09/04/2022
- *Vehicle Crime. School Road, Alcester. Secure works van on driveway entered. Nothing believed stolen at the time. occurred between Tue 05/04/2022 23:00 and Wed 06/04/2022 09:00. Crime No: 23/14193/22
- *Vehicle Crime. Car Park, Crooks Lane, Alcester. Secure works van entered and various tools stolen. Evening of the 5th April. Blue VW Passat seen in suspicious circumstances at the time. 0283 05/04/2022
- *Vehicle Crime. Car park, Kings Coughton. Works van entered but nothing believed stolen at the time. Approx. 8.10pm Tuesday 5th April. 0305 05/04/2022
- *Vehicle Crime. School Road, Salford Priors. Secure works van on driveway entered and cash stolen. occurred between Fri 08/04/2022 18:00 and Sat 09/04/2022 07:30. Crime No: 23/14375/22
- *Theft. Mill Lane, Aston Cantlow. Secure Swift Sprit Major 6 caravan stolen. took place between 06/04/2022 19:00:00 and 07/04/2022 02:00. Crime No: 22/34044/22
- *Theft. Mill Lane, Aston Cantlow. Five gas bottles stolen. occurred between Wed 06/04/2022 00:00 and Fri 08/04/2022 00:00. Crime No: 23/14210/22
- *Vehicle Crime. Hollis Road, Welford. Secure Range Rover stolen without key. occurred on Fri 08/04/2022 01:51. 0009 08/04/2022
- *Vehicle Crime. Welford Chase, Welford. Secure works van damaged. Entry not gained and nothing believed stolen at the time. took place on 29/03/2022 10:00. Crime No: 23/14103/22
- *Theft. Luddington. irrigation pump broken into, doors damaged and approximately 700 litres of red diesel stolen. occurred between Mon 04/04/2022 16:06 and Tue 05/04/2022 08:18. Crime No: 23/14102/22
- *Vehicle Interference. Church Road, Wilmcote. 3 unknown males seen outside of property. One of the offenders was wearing a balaclava has the tried the door handle of a vehicle parked on the driveway. The occupants of the house have disturbed the suspect who has then ran back to a white van before driving away. 3.30pm 28th March. Crime No: 23/13433/22
- *Vehicle Crime. Secure works vehicle entered and various tools stolen. occurred between Tue 05/04/2022 20:00 and Wed 06/04/2022 09:30. Crime No: 23/13893/22
- *Burglary. Alcester Road, Studley. House entered and vehicle key stolen. Subsequently a blue BMW M135 was also stolen from the address. Overnight 6th & 7th April. 0044 07/04/2022
- *Vehicle Crime. Beaudesert Lane, Henley. Secure Silver Jaguar F pace stolen. occurred on Tue 05/04/2022 15:45. 0184 05/04/2022
- *Vehicle Crime. Car park, Stratford Road, Hockley Heath. Secure works van damaged but entry not gained. Nothing believed to be stolen at the time. occurred between Tue 29/03/2022 18:00 and Wed 30/03/2022 07:30. Crime No: 23/14028/22
- *Vehicle Crime. Stratford Road, Hockley Heath. Works vehicle entered and various tools stolen. occurred between Tue 05/04/2022 19:10 and Tue 05/04/2022 20:10. Crime No: 23/13936/22
Bidford Police Surgery – An officer from the SNT will be in the school car park on Bramley Way in Bidford on Thursday 14th April, from 9.30am till 10.30am. All are invited to come along for a chat.
Vehicle Crime Prevention – We have several pages giving crime prevention advice for vehicles. These pages can be accessed via these links:-
Team email –
Sgt 1685 David Ebbs
PC 1329 Steven Hope
PCSO 6330 Sanjay Singh –
PCSO 6350 Brooke Avery
Team email –
Sgt 1685 David Ebbs
PC 1672 Rob Davies –
PCSO 6327 Carolyn Davis
PCSO 6111 Gary Johnson-Jones
Alcester Office – 01789 444816
Always report an active crime on 999. Non-emergency calls can be made on 101. Online reporting services are also available on our website –
Twitter – @AlcesterCops
Facebook – Alcester Police
Instagram – southwarwickshiresnts
We do not monitor our social media accounts or the local online pages, so always contact us using 101, 999 or via the online forms as required.