Alcester Police North SNT. Latest Weekly Report. Sunday 15th March 2020

Hello all.

This is our latest weekly report and prompt to see if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns for the Alcester Police North SNT. Thank you to those that have contacted the Team this week. If you would like to be removed from this email circulation list, please let me know asap.

Incidents of a public interest from the last week:-


  • *Vehicle Crime. Snitterfield Road, Bearley. Offender(s) have tried to gain entry to secure works van. Drivers door has been bent in half. Overnight 9th & 10th March. 0040 10/03/2020


  • *Damage. Courtyard off Church Street, Studley. Several windows smashed on car while it was parked unattended in Courtyard. Between 8th & 15th March. 0122 15/03/2020
  • *Suspicious Circumstances. Cashpoint, Alcester Road, Studley. Man and women seen hanging around the cashpoint. Caller concerned that there was no reason for them to be at the location. Described as a Black male and a Black female, both wearing hooded tops. Area search made by police – no offences disclosed at the time. 10.15pm Saturday 14th March. 0394 14/03/2020
  • *Anti-Social Behaviour. Store, Alcester Road, Studley. Group of teenagers drinking and smoking outside the store causing a nuisance to customers. 8.40pm Thursday 12th March. 0432 12/03/2020
  • *Damage. Station Road, Studley. Window of delivery van smashed while driver was out with a parcel. Offender may have been from a vehicle parked nearby. 4pm Wednesday 11th March. 0320 11/03/2020


  • *Damage. Pratts Lane, Mappleborough Green. Damage caused to gate bolt and latch. 11pm Wednesday 11th March. 0394 13/03/2020


  • *Vehicle Crime. Poolhead Lane, Earlswood. Land Rover stolen from secure driveway of property. Intel from the area suggest that the offenders were at least two males both wearing hooded tops who arrived in a vehicle that parked near to the gates of the driveway. 11pm Tuesday 10th March. 0039 11/03/2020
  • *Theft. Shop, Umberslade Road, Earlswood. A man has entered the shop and has placed several items into a basket. He has then walked out without offering payment. He has got into the passenger seat of a Silver Vauxhall with a registration number ending in ‘VKA’. White male, early 30’s, 5’ 10”, slim build, dark hair, beard and moustache, wearing a grey flat cap and a grey hooded jacket. 3.40pm Sunday 8th March. 0261 09/03/2020


  • *Vehicle Crime. Vicarage Hill, Tanworth. Offenders have entered a works van and have stolen approx. £800 worth of tools. Intel from the area suggest that the offenders were two males, early teens who arrived in the area in a Blue Vauxhall Corsa. 3pm Tuesday 10th March. 0202 14/03/2020
  • *Burglary. Rams Hill Lane, Tanworth. Drill stolen from premises. Intel from the area suggest that the offenders may have been a male and female in a Silver Ford Mondeo Estate with a registration number ending in ‘LJW’. 1.30pm Thursday 12th March. 0173 13/03/2020
  • *Theft. Aspley Heath Lane, Tanworth. Two pedal cycles stolen from shed. 1 – White Whyte Mountain Bike, 29 inch, full suspension. 2 – Lapierre Zesty Mountain Bike, 29 inch, full suspension. Between 11th & 13th March. 0062 13/03/2020


  • *Vehicle Crime. Langley. Several items have been stolen from a works van. Items included a hoover, drill, batteries and accessories. Intel from the area suggest that the offenders were two males, both wearing hoods / face coverings. They arrived in the area in a Black Ford S-Max with a registration number ending in ‘VEU’. 1.35pm Monday 9th March. 0302 09/03/2020

Corona Virus – The situation regarding the Virus is changing on a daily basis and the Government is regularly releasing information and guidance –

.It will almost certainly have an impact on our area and Warwickshire Police will respond as required. Please continue to use our 101 and 999 telephone systems as usual – many interactions can now be made via our website, thus freeing up the telephone systems during peak times –   We will release any further instructions when needed.

We are aware that there are local community groups being set up in order to help support the vulnerable on our area. Information can be found on Social Media or via your local Resilience and Council groups. This is a good time for those that are able to check on your family, friends and neighbours, especially those that may need help with supplies. Remember = 1) Wash your hands frequently and catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue. 2) Be prepared to self-isolate. 3) Plan ahead based on your situation.

Crimestoppers – From their website –“” We’re an independent charity that gives you the power to speak up to stop crime, 100% anonymously. Whoever you are, wherever you live, from communities to companies.  By phone and online, 24/7, 365 days a year.  We also share advice on how to protect the people you care about from crime, so everyone can feel safe.  After receiving your call or a completed anonymous online form, we create a report that brings together all the information you gave us, making sure it doesn’t contain any information that could identify you. Your report is sent to the relevant authority with the legal responsibility to investigate crimes, make arrests and charge people in order to bring them to justice. This could be your local police force or an agency such as the UK Border Agency or HM Revenue & Customs””.

Crime prevention advice – Nobody thinks they’ll be a victim of crime until, of course, it happens. But if you’re clued in to the criminals’ tricks and tactics you can stay one step ahead. Browse our pages below for first-hand knowledge, industry best practices and practical crime prevention advice from officers and specialist teams all across the police.

Special Constabulary Recruitment – Could you be a local hero and become a Special Constable? – Our Special Constables are voluntary, part-time police officers who work in some of the most important areas of modern policing. Would you be willing to make a real difference to the communities in our area? As a fully-trained Special Constable, you will have full police powers, wear a police uniform and work alongside regular police officers and police staff, with opportunities for promotion and to develop your leadership and management skills. In return, you will be required to commit a minimum of 16 hours a month, although many people do significantly more as the hours can be flexible to fit around your work and home life commitments. For further information visit our website –

Police Surgeries – We have arranged further mobile police surgeries around the area. Please pop along for a chat. There will be various crime prevention leaflets available. If you cannot attend but would like to speak to a member of the Team, please use the contact details below. During some of the surgeries in April, the officer will park the vehicle and carry out foot patrol in the immediate area. Details below.

Thursday 19th March

Bearley Sports Club Car Park – 2pm -3pm

Wootton Hall Park Wootton Wawen – 3:30pm – 4:30pm

Friday 20th March

Tanworth In Arden – Near to the Village Hall –  2pm – 3pm

Ullenhall – Village Hall Car Park  – 3:30pm – 4:30pm

Sunday 5th April- Bearley Village 2pm-2:30pm (park up, walk about)

Sunday 5th April – Claverdon, Langley Road 3pm-3:30pm (walk about)

Wednesday 8th April – Tanworth village hall – 2:30pm -3:30pm (activity group)

Thursday 9th April – Reservoir Pub car park Earlswood 2:30pm (park up walk about)

Monday 4th May – Osprey House, Studley 11am-12pm (coffee morning)

Monday 4th May – Ullenhall, Church Road 2pm-2:30pm (park up, walk)

Wednesday 20th May- Arden Road, Henley in Arden 1pm-2pm (walk about)

Wednesday 20th May – Wootton Hall, Wootton Wawen 2:30-3pm ( park up, walk about)

If you have any questions regarding the above please contact us on the details below or via the Warwickshire Police website. If you would like to be removed from the Teams email circulation list – please let us know.




Team email –                                        

SGT 1284 Angus Eagles                  

PC 427 Sue Blundell –                      

PCSO 6273 Aadila Hussain –          

PCSO 6330 Sanjay Singh –             

PCSO 6350 Taylor Brooke               

PCSO 6336 Mark Lucas –                 

Alcester Police Office Phone Number – 01789 444816    (not to be used for emergencies or priority calls. Always report incidents on 101)

Twitter –                                              @AlcesterCops

Facebook –                                        Alcester Police

Instagram –                                       southwarwickshiresnts

Website –