Alcester Police North SNT. Latest Weekly Report. Sunday 15th November 2020
Hello all.
This is our latest weekly report and prompt to see if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns for the Alcester Police North SNT. Thank you to those that have contacted the Team this week. If you would like to be removed from this local email circulation list, please let me know asap.
For operational and privacy reasons not all the incidents that occur on the Alcester area are listed in this report. Please remember to report any anti-social behaviour, suspicious activity or crimes to us as soon as possible – this can be done via the 101 and 999 telephone numbers or if not an emergency via our online reporting forms that can be found on our website.
Incidents of a public interest from the last week:-
- *Burglary. Allendale Crescent, Studley. Glass in door cracked. Marks on the glass suggest that it had been kicked. Between 9th & 10th November. 0074 10/11/2020
- *Theft. Shops, Studley. Report received of male responsible for thefts from two shops in Studley being followed by member of the public. The alleged offender arrested by police at the scene. Further enquiries ongoing. 3.30pm Sunday 8th November. 0203 08/11/2020
- *Suspicious Circumstances. The Green, Tanworth. Vehicle heard acting suspiciously in the area. Three males were seen to walk away from the car and three bangs heard. It is unknown what these noises were. Caller concerned regards their behaviour. The vehicle drove off shortly afterwards. 3.15am Sunday 15th November. 0082 15/11/2020
Parking Issues – We have received a couple of complaints this week relating to vehicles parking inconsiderately on the road or footpath causing problems for pedestrians and other road users. This issue has increased with more people working from home during the current pandemic. Space for vehicles can be a problem in certain areas, but we ask that drivers park within the law and are considerate to other road and footpath users. Here are some options with regards reporting parking offences:-
- Warwickshire County Council – Parking section –
- Operation Snap – As part of Operation Snap, members of the public can report and submit digital footage showing potential traffic offences. This can range from driving dangerously or carelessly to overtaking on solid white lines, unsafe and illegal parking which is dangerous and causing a serious road safety issue, using a mobile phone while driving, ignoring traffic lights or dangerous driving around other road users, such as horse riders and cyclists. Please note that on street parking enforcement is the responsibility of Warwickshire County Council and if someone has parked in contravention of the parking restrictions you can report the matter to them. For moving traffic offences, your submission to Operation Snap will be sent to Warwickshire Police where the evidence will be reviewed by one of our road traffic police officers. Due to the large volume of submissions received each week, we are unable to update each submitter regarding the outcome of their allegation. However, all submissions are dealt with pro-actively to help reduce risk taking and poor driving on our counties roads. Any footage submitted through the portal can be used by us to help educate other road users and to advise on case results. *Please note, from 1st November 2020 we are unable to process multiple file submissions for the same report/incident – any duplicate submissions will not be processed.
- Police – The ‘Ask the Police’ website gives advice on some parking issues – If a vehicle is causing an imminent danger use 101 or 999 as required.
Warwickshire Police takes part in National Road Safety Week of activity – Warwickshire Police is taking part in national Road Safety Week between 18 – 24 Nov 2019. The week is an opportunity to highlight road safety and thousands of schools, communities and organisations take part across the country. The theme for Road Safety Week 2019 is ‘Step up for Safe Streets’ and the week long campaign aims to encourage everyone to step up and play a part in making our roads safer. In 2018, 35 people were killed and 325 people were seriously injured on Warwickshire’s Roads. Reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads has been set as a priority for Warwickshire Police and we will be working with partners across Warwickshire to help achieve this. Inspector Jem Mountford said “The week provides an opportunity for officers and staff to step up to highlight their vital role in helping keep people safe on the county’s roads and conduct enforcement activity. We will also be using social media to raise awareness of the Road Safety Week and putting out messages to encourage communities to stay safe on Warwickshire’s roads.” If you would like to follow road safety week, we will be using the hash tags #RoadSafetyWeek and #StepUp. You can also follow the relevant Twitter accounts: @opuwarks @warkspolice @brakecharity For more information visit:-
If you have any questions regarding the above please contact us on the details below or via the Warwickshire Police website. If you would like to be removed from the Teams email circulation list – please let us know
Team email –
SGT 1284 Angus Eagles
PC 427 Sue Blundell –
PCSO 6273 Aadila Hussain –
PCSO 6330 Sanjay Singh –
PCSO 6350 Taylor Brooke
PCSO 6336 Mark Lucas (Covers both North & South areas)
Alcester Police Office Phone Number – 01789 444816 (not to be used for emergencies or priority calls. Always report incidents on 101). Online reporting services are also available on our website –
Twitter – @AlcesterCops
Facebook – Alcester Police
Instagram – southwarwickshiresnts
Website –
We do not monitor our social media pages, so please do not use them to report incidents or to pass on important information. Please call us on 101, 999 or use the online reporting forms as required.