Alcester Police North SNT. Latest Weekly Report. Sunday 28th March 2021
Hello all.
This is our latest weekly report and prompt to see if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns for the Alcester Police North SNT. Thank you to those that have contacted the Team this week. If you would like to be removed from this local email circulation list, please let me know asap.
For operational and privacy reasons not all the incidents that occur on the Alcester area are listed in this report. Please remember to report any anti-social behaviour, suspicious activity or crimes to us as soon as possible – this can be done via the 101 and 999 telephone numbers or if not an emergency via our online reporting forms that can be found on our website.
Incidents of a public interest from the last week:-
- *Suspicious Circumstances. St Asaphs Avenue, Studley. Male from white van seen to go onto private property and try to remove motor from rear of fridge under car port. When challenged he left the motor and returned to the van and drove off. Two males inside. The last three letters of the registration number was similar to ‘OJX’. 9.45am Saturday 27th March. 0242 27/03/2021
- *Burglary. Allendale Crescent, Studley. Secure outhouse broken into and dark grey Trek pedal cycle stolen. Between 24th & 26th March. 0143 26/03/2021
- *Anti-Social Behaviour. Station Road area, Studley. Group of youngsters seen running in and out of the road causing a danger to vehicles. Group also seen to run up and down private driveways. Two of the males had balaclavas on. Area search by police made and some members of the group spoken to by police and advised regards their behaviour. 8.40pm Wednesday 24th March. 0401 24/03/2021
- *Anti-Social Behaviour. Pool Road, Studley. Youngsters seen on the roof of the building being built. 7pm Sunday 21st March. 0349 21/03/2021
- *Suspicious Circumstances. St Nicholas Road, Henley. Cloth put into the front grill of car. Caller concerned that this has been done deliberately, although reason unknown. Between 4pm and 9.15pm Friday 26th March. 0390 26/03/2021
- *Suspicious Circumstances. Doctors Close, Tanworth. Vehicle seen to park up behind properties. A few people have then got out and could be heard talking. Caller concerned that this was unusual for the area. No offences disclosed. 12.05am Thursday 25th March. 0002 25/03/2021
- *Earlswood Lakes / Malthouse Lane. Calls received this week – drug use by car occupants, suspicious vehicles and occupants, inconsiderate parking and verbally abusive driver. The SNT continue to patrol this area on a regular basis.
Vehicle Crime – Here are a few crime prevention tips to deter vehicle crime.
- Always lock your vehicle. Whether it’s in the garage, on the driveway of your house, unattended for a few seconds or in an isolated car park, lock it and activate any alarm system.
- Always remove valuable items from the vehicle. If this cannot be done the items must be removed from view and secured in a glove box or boot.
- Fit an alarm that will activate on movement in the vehicle. An alarm that can notify you in real time that there is a problem is extremely useful.
- Items such as tools and machinery that cannot be removed can be secured in lockers and security marked with high visibility paint etc.
- If available, park your vehicle in a location that is covered by CCTV, overlooked by houses or is in constant use.
- Use anti-theft screws and sticky pads for number plates. If you have a plate that is stolen, replace it with one that has a different design so it is distinguishable from the stolen plate.
- If you see or hear any suspicious activity around a car or car park, ring 101 to report straight away.
- For further advice visit –
Accidently dialling the emergency operator – Depending on the make of your phone or the Apps installed, there can be several ways to contact the emergency services without actually dialling the emergency number. Please make yourselves aware of these short cuts without accidently triggering them. If you do and it connects with an operator, do not end the call, stay on the line, and explain to the operator what has happened and that no help is required.
Scrap Collections – We often hear that items have been taken from businesses, gardens or near to houses by possible scrap collectors. If this is the case they are most probably unlicensed and are driving around the area in the hope to collect as much scrap and other items they can before returning home. They can of course be useful for anyone trying to get rid of scrap but unfortunately it gives the unlicensed operators the excuse and opportunity to go onto peoples land. We encourage members of the public to use only reputable licenced collectors, by arranging a collection with them in advance. We have several operators on the area who can be found on social media.
Team email –
Sgt 1215 Stacey Naughton
PCSO 6273 Aadila Hussain –
PCSO 6330 Sanjay Singh –
PCSO 6350 Brooke Taylor
Alcester Police Office Phone Number – 01789 444816 (not to be used for emergencies or priority calls. Always report incidents on 101). Online reporting services are also available on our website –
Twitter – @AlcesterCops
Facebook – Alcester Police
Instagram – southwarwickshiresnts
Website –
We do not monitor our social media pages, so please do not use them to report incidents or to pass on important information. Please call us on 101, 999 or use the online reporting forms as required.