JOHN HANNETT 1803 -1893

We reported earlier on the site, that a number of gravestones had been uncovered in the St Nicholas grounds by the Pay Back team. One, in particular, is of significance, it being that of John Hannett, who lived here on the High Street at The Gables, back in the nineteenth century.

He ran a business in town as printer and bookbinder, he also sold stationery and was manager of the Post Office.

He turned his hand to writing and published a very popular travel book entitled ‘The Forest of Arden’ which refers to Henley thus –

Presuming the traveller to have reached the old hostelry of the Swan, at Henley in Arden, it will now be desirable to commence a description of that town, to enter upon an inspection of its chapel, and to inquire of its other objects of interest.

That’s exactly what we want people to do now, and I am pleased to report that a blue commemorative plaque, in his honour, was fixed, in pride of place on the Gables by the Guild Hall Trust.

He went on to be High Bailiff for twenty years, I guess you can say he was a true Henleyite!

History Notes HIA 2019-01 Ray Evans