The Rector, John Ganjavi, has reported to the JPC that much needed work on the graveyard has commenced, the WWM-CRC [Community Pay-Back Team] have visited twice since the Bank Holiday and are due again there this coming Thursday, weather permitting.
This initiative was taken by the JPC earlier in the summer and will be ongoing in the coming years. It was inspired by the wonderful results the team achieved in the Parish of Cubbington, where, we are advised, their churchyard, is a joy to behold.
When the graveyard is up to scratch, the team will be moving around the Town and attending to other areas in need of a little TLC.
The JPC gifted the team with a number of machines which will be used exclusively in Henley a full account can be found in the minutes of the Finance Sub-committee on the 15th of July last. An extract herewith:-
- To discuss, and if appropriate approve, expenditure of £1,500 to purchase machinery for the ongoing maintenance of the Churchyard by WWMCRC and to replace the grass verges in Henley with wild-flower verges.
The Chair advised that he and Cllr Jem Jones, the Rector and Graham Hindley had met with a representative from the Community Pay Back Team. It was RESOLVED that the JPC purchase three machines at a cost of £1,500. The JPC also agreed to look into the insurance situation, who would store the machinery and also liaise with Cubbington PC, who had experience of the Community Pay Back Team. It was agreed that this item would be included on the next agenda for the Finance Sub-Committee. These motions were proposed by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Jones and carried unanimously.
Please take a moment to witness the improvements taking place in St Nicholas graveyard.
Ray Evans – Chairman – Henley & Beaudesert JPC