From the Private Sector Housing Manager, SDC:
I am contacting you regarding the subject of damp and mould in homes in our district.
As you may be aware there is a lot of focus on this issue at present and we are aiming to provide advice to residents who may be suffering with damp and mould in their homes.
We are sending this information so that you can inform Councillors of their availability, so that they are equipped to help those in your community that may have this issue. I have attached two useful leaflets that can be distributed to residents that includes information in dealing with damp and mould issues and useful contacts. There are also two posters which could be displayed in public areas for residents.
If you have residents with this issue in rented accommodation (whether Social or Private) – the Private Sector Housing Team can make representations to the landlord.
If the Private Sector Housing Team can be of help to those in your area, do please get in touch via the Parish Clerk.
Here are a number of informative brochures: