Dear All,

I trust this finds you well. Please see the attached letter to update you on the progress of the M40-M42 Interchange Scheme. I send an especially warm welcome to the new recipients who’ve recently requested these updates. I’m sure you’ll find them useful. As you may recall, I work for bmJV, the contractors that are carrying out the scheme on behalf of National Highways. Please let me know if you do not want to receive future updates so you/r organisation can be deleted from the distribution list. If there is someone you know who would benefit from this information, please feel free to share it with them and have them contact me to be added to the list to receive future updates. It doesn’t matter if they do not use email: this update can be sent to them by post or alternative formats if they wish! Please let me know. New closures and diversion details are added as soon as they are approved, so please keep checking the scheme webpage.

Yours Sincerely,


Veron Graham PGDip MCIPR

For more details please click on link below:
2023.10.05 – M40-M42 Interchange Stakeholder Update Letter (FINAL)