The JPC would ask residents to take note of this service:

Hi All, I would just like to introduce myself

My name is Ali Gravestock and I have taken over the role of Community Transport Manager for the Charity VASA (Voluntary Action Stratford on Avon)

We cover a wide area of the Stratford & Warwick districts providing volunteer drivers to take people who otherwise couldn’t get to health/medical appointments and now Social inclusion journeys.

We currently have 150 volunteer drivers out in the communities and approx 4000 clients that are registered with us and are using our service, though I am sure that there are more people that aren’t aware of this valuable service.

Here’s some general information for you and a leaflet attached. Would you mind advertising this on your social media, and/or your website/notice boards to let people in your community know about our valuable service?

CLICK HERE TO READ LEAFLET – Transport leaflet June 2019

Passengers need to be over 18 and with a genuine need of transport i.e. cannot access public transport etc

There is no extra charge for a carer to accompany or friend, relative etc

We do Health journeys, Hospitals, GP’s, Chiropody, optician, dentists etc

And also Social Inclusion Journeys which are to take people who are socially isolated to lunch clubs, visiting relatives in care homes/hospitals etc and transport to day care

Our volunteer drivers charge 45p per mile from the drivers address to the passengers’ address to the destination and back, included in this is a wait time for up to two hours. Then there is an admin fee of £3 per journey which comes to us as a charity for arranging the booking. This is all paid in cash to the driver on the day or invoicing is possible

We always try and find a driver as close as possible to the passengers’ address to keep the costs down.  If you would like to book a journey with us, please allow three working days at all possible to allow us to find a driver.

Our telephone volunteers will take some details and book the journey required, this doesn’t guarantee a driver, but we do our very best to contact all our available volunteers

Please call 01789 262889 and press 1 to request a driver

If you would like any more information or would like some leaflets etc please don’t hesitate to call us

Our Website https://www.vasa.org.uk/

New Volunteer driver Facebook page coming soon!

Ali Gravestock

Community Transport Manager

Voluntary Action Stratford-on-Avon District (VASA)

Elizabeth Court

Church Street


CV37 6HB

Telephone 01789 262889

Direct 01789 777 981

 Working days Monday to Friday 9am-4pm