2011- 2031
Late in May this year, the Beaudesert & Henley in Arden electorate will be given the opportunity to vote on the adoption of the neighbourhood development plan for the Parish. Stratford District Council are running the referendum and will drop ballot papers through your door with a designated time and location for the voting to take place. This is your opportunity to ensure that the interests of the community have been carefully considered and bound together in a legal document [once ‘made’] ensuring the planning and development plans for the town are followed. Please take the time to read through the copy here on this page, which can be download for your perusal. Hard copies of this publication will also be available at the Community Library [Methodist Church, High Street] so please tell your neighbours and friends who are not familiar with online documentation.
This is an important document that will shape the future development in the Parish. Please take the opportunity to vote in the Referendum and for more background and guidance the JPC invite all to the Annual Parishes Assembly on MONDAY 8TH OF APRIL next at the Memorial Hall, at 7.00pm where the JPC and the whole community will be setting out their plans for the future. Free soft drinks, wine and pizzas available. Watch out for the AGENDA to be posted on the website shortly.
Please download the ‘REFERENDUM’ edtion here:- REFERENDUM NDP 2011-2031